Daily Announcements

  • As we gather here today at St. Brieux School, we acknowledge we are on Treaty 6 Territory the Homeland of the Cree and the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.
  • There will be running practice for track and field athletes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings next week. Please be in Mrs. Salmon's room by 7:15am sharp. 
  • Driver Ed Students, please see driver schedule for May 8th outside of Mrs. Hunts classroom.  Reminder to next years Driver Ed students (turning 15 by April 30/24), bring your lunch as you will be meeting with Mrs. Griffin in wildlife room.
  • Its gym blast day! Please go to your Period 4 class for attendance and wait to be called down. Good luck to all the teams and have fun! Please hand in your Food Donation to Mrs. Hunt. We have an announcement from Mrs. Bertrand
  • There will be a Jr. Drama meeting on Monday at 12:20 to get your script and parts.
  • Drama Games students in Grade 4-6, please be sure your form is signed and handed into your homeroom teacher today, as we start after school on Monday.
  • Today is Day 5, it is a Kindergarten day