Gr.3-6 soccer practice at lunch today and Thursday. See you out on the field!
Junior boys soccer today at in Mrs. Bernhard's classroom Also, good luck to the junior boys as they have their first league game today after school in Lake Lenore!
Good luck to Zavier Piatt today! He is competing at District Golf in Wynyard!
Highschool SRC meeting at 12:20 today in the Home Ec lab. It will be short, but we need a rep from each classroom to attend. It's important!
Cross country runners please make sure your $5 fee payment is handed in to Mrs. Salmon as soon as possible. Practices will be on Wednesday and Friday of this week.
Every student now knows his/her colour team. Encourage your colour team's spirit! When you see someone from your SRC team in the hallway or out on the field or playground (or at the Co-op or on the street), greet them by name! Stop for a little chat!
Jr and Sr Football players, please meet at the school at 4:45PM tonight, you will be doing our chocolate almond sale tonight. All team members are expected to attend and participate in this fundraiser.
There is a small change purse that was found on the ground by the playground. It is at Mrs. Piatt's office, you will need to describe what the change purse looks like.
Jr B Girls Volleyball tomorrow morning! All Jr Soccer players, please meet at the soccer field at 12:20 as we will have practice till 1:00. Our first game is tomorrow in Muenster against Muenster
Crews Day Tuesday in the High school. Go to your classroom at 10:55AM