Daily Announcements

  • Gr.3-6 soccer practice at lunch today and Thursday.  See you out on the field!
  • Junior boys soccer today at 12:20...meet in Mrs. Bernhard's classroom   Also, good luck to the junior boys as they have their first league game today after school in Lake Lenore!
  • Good luck to Zavier Piatt today! He is competing at District Golf in Wynyard! 
  • Highschool SRC meeting at 12:20 today in the Home Ec lab. It will be short, but we need a rep from each classroom to attend. It's important!
  • Cross country runners please make sure your $5 fee payment is handed in to Mrs. Salmon as soon as possible. Practices will be on Wednesday and Friday of this week.
  • Every student now knows his/her colour team. Encourage your colour team's spirit! When you see someone from your SRC team in the hallway or out on the field or playground (or at the Co-op or on the street), greet them by name! Stop for a little chat! 
  • Jr and Sr Football players, please meet at the school at 4:45PM tonight, you will be doing our chocolate almond sale tonight.  All team members are expected to attend and participate in this fundraiser.
  • There is a small change purse that was found on the ground by the playground.  It is at Mrs. Piatt's office, you will need to describe what the change purse looks like.
  • Jr B Girls Volleyball tomorrow morning!
    All Jr Soccer players, please meet at the soccer field at 12:20 as we will have practice till 1:00.  Our first game is tomorrow in Muenster against Muenster
  • Crews Day Tuesday in the High school. Go to your classroom at 10:55AM
  • Today is Day 4, have a great day!