Daily Announcements

  • A huge congratulations to all of our cross country athletes participating in districts yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs and very windy but every single kiddo ran hard and tried their best. A special mention has to go to Jayce Kovacs who placed 3rd, Amy Kovacs 2nd, Jessa Kovacs 3rd, Antoni Llorca 5th, Nicholas Chetty 8th, Riley Kovacs 1st , Ace Piatt 9th, Finley Edwards 8th, and Kaycee Davies placed 10th. A special shout-out also needs to go to Riley Kovacs, Finley Edwards, Kaycee Davies, and Ace Piatt who all made it to Provincials in Regina next weekend. You did an awesome job everyone and we are unbelievably proud of you all! We are now placed 3rd in the Horizon team results. Practices for Provincial runners will be Wednesday and Friday next week. Go Crusaders!
  • Reminder...there is no school on Monday for the Thanksgiving day holiday.
  • This morning we have Lanz, one of our SRC co-chairs to share the results of our Terry Fox Fundraising.  We raised a total of $ 4,504.00. The winner of the colour groups is purple with $1,068 (they earned a pizza lunch sponsored by the SRC), second is green with $805, third is orange with $797, fourth is yellow with $ 757, fifth is blue with $527, and red is sixth with $315. A special mention goes to Andrew Freriks for raising the most money at $510!  Way to go St. Brieux School!
  • Mrs. Bertrand and Riona would like to sincerely thank Marley, and Josh Howard for being our lines people at the Jr. Girls Soccer game which took place this past Wednesday. A big thank you to our ref, Nicholas. These wonderful Crusaders joined the incredible St. Brieux Jr. Girls Soccer team in the cold, wet weather to play against Muenster. The girls showed even more dedication, determination, and grit by playing their hearts out. We will be playing in the District Finals against Muenster, next Wednesday, October 11th in Muenster at 4:00.  Girls we will have practice on Tuesday at 12:20 on the field. 
  • We will call your classes for pictures.  Teachers please line your kids up shortest to tallest.
  • Today is Day 5, it is a Kindergarten Day.  Have a wonderful long weekend and a very happy Thanksgiving.