Today is Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Thank you to our bus drivers - Sandra Zurburg, Alison Hedin, Phil Hinz and Courtney Chase. Please say thank you to your bus driver today!
Good luck to our Jr B team who is hosting Muenster today after school! Please let Mrs. Hunt know if you are able to help minor officiate.
Tomorrow's SRC dress-up day: Dress as your future career. Come dressed in your future career outfit.
Good luck to the Jr. A Girls who are headed to Englefeld today. You may be dismissed from class at 3:10 and we will leave at 3:15.
Yearbook after school tomorrow in the I.N. classroom
Purple team, your pizza lunch will be served in the elementary math room today. Come on down and enjoy a slice of pizza and a drink with your teammates!
Today is Day 5, it is a Kindergarten Day. Have a Great day