Daily Announcements

  • A big thank you to everyone that helped make our Christmas dinner a success.  It was such a delicious meal and enjoyed by all.  We also want to give a big shout out to all of our students - The ladies that helped out yesterday had nothing but good things to say about all our students.  They commented on how well mannered  and respectful everyone was, they loved seeing how the older students helped the younger students and how patient everyone one was and they especially loved hearing all the laughter and seeing all the smiles.  Thank you for making the day a success.
  • Driver Ed Students - take a look at the driver schedule for January 15th posted outside Mrs. Hunts Classroom
  • Today is Day 6...happy last day of school!  Early dismissal at 2:20PM.  Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.  See you all in 2024