Daily Announcements

  • Yearbook committee meet in library immediately after announcements for very quick meeting. 
  • Good luck to the Sr boys - They are headed to Outlook for the LCBI tournament this weekend.  Their first game is at 3:30PM against Rosetown.
  • February 10th is Chinese New Year, and your SRC is marking this event with a Chinese lunch food day. You can order chicken balls with either noodles or fried rice for $5. Elementary students, hand your order forms in to your classroom teacher by Tuesday. High school students, Mrs. Piatt has extra order forms in the office. Orders will be delivered at noon on Friday, February 9th. Please note that there is an allergy alert for this food day. During the cooking process, the chicken balls may come in contact with shrimp and fish.
  • Any students from Grades 7-12 who are interested in being in the annual Drama plays this year, please sign up in the K room at lunch TODAY or email Mrs. Bertrand to let her know. This is the last day to let her know.
  • The mid-year scores have been totalled for for Jr SRC colour teams, and blue is the winner with 176 points. Congratulations, blue team! You are in the lead by 12 points. You will be able to collect your prize on Monday. The colour team scores have all been zeroed, and we will start fresh.
  • Today is Day 1, it is a Kindergarten day, have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.