Daily Announcements

  • There will be JRFH today. Senior helpers, we would appreciate your help today (as always)
  • There is a Green Day coming on Thursday, Mar 14. You can buy a green float for yourself or for a friend to enjoy. Don't forget that float orders are due by Monday! Grade 7 to 12, you can pick up an order form at the office or see Miss Ward for your form.
  • There is a sign up sheet for Junior Badminton (gr 7-9) outside of Mrs. Hunt's room; please sign up for Developmental or Competitive Badminton if you are interested in playing
  • Good luck to the Sr Boys - They are hosting Conference tomorrow .  Their first game is at 11:00AM VS Wakaw.  
  • Good luck to the Junior Girls Basketball team today! Our girls are traveling to Wynyard for the district final! 
    Driver Ed Students - please see the new driver schedule for Wednesday March 13 and Monday March 18th outside Mrs. Hunts Classroom.
  • Sr Boys - quick meeting at the gym right after announcements
  • Today is Day 2 have a great day and wonderful weekend.