Daily Announcements

  • If you are interested in performing in the play, "Lunchroom", please see Mrs. Bertrand in the Art room on Friday, at 12:20. You do not have to bring your lunch.
  • Junior Girls' volleyball tryouts will be on Wednesday, September 4, and Thursday, September 5. Beginning at 3:45 sharp, please be changed and in the gym for that time. There are sign up sheets on the Home Ec. lab door and on Mrs. Miskolczi's door. 
  • For all Grade 7-9s interested in playing Junior Tackle Football this Fall there will be a meeting at 12:20 in the science lab. 
  • Boys grades 7-9, please see Mrs. Bernhard today to sign up for junior boys soccer.
  • Please tell students if they are NOT going to use their locks to please return them to Mrs. Piatt at the office. Also remind students to not leave their code on their locks as other kids could open them