Congratulations to the Jr Girls - they played in the district final yesterday and are now District silver medalists.
Good luck to the Sr Girls - they head to Kerrobert today for their last tournament before regionals next weekend.
Good luck to the Sr Boys - they are in Birch Hills tomorrow for the conference championship at 1:30PM. Go Crusaders Go
Today is Pizza lunch for those that ordered it. Elementary students your pizza will be delivered to your classrooms. Grade 7 to 12 your pizza will be in the foyer and we will call you down when it is ready to be picked up.
Grades 4-6, Monday is the ABSOLUTE FINAL DAY for your Robotics forms to be into Mrs. Bertrand. Please bring them to the Art Room on Monday or the K room today. Listen up Grades 7-12, this is the final day to sign up for Robotics club. Sign up sheet is by the Art Room.
MONDAY is the ABSOLUTE FINAL day for the Grade 6s, 7s, and 8s to hand in their permission form for the Jr. Drama play. Please bring them to Mrs. Bertrand, in the K room, ASAP, or the Art Room on Monday.
Today is Day 1, it is a Kindergarten day. Have a Fantastic Friday and great weekend.